Is this class worth the time and money? Well, that’s up to you. If you spent any money this year asking a psychic whether or not a relationship was worth your time or if you were going to land a specific job, then yes this may save you on future questions. I designed this course because I was frustrated with the options available to me when I was first starting out. You order a deck of tarot cards and it comes with a book of meanings, you learn the cards and the layouts, but it always felt like the answers were only partially clear and it was frustrating. A few of my friends contacted me and went through the same and I really just wanted to give other people the benefit of this less frustrating and straight forward method I have honed.
Layouts this course covers:
Relationship Analysis Readings
Future Love Readings
Specific Question Readings
Full Life Readings are very entailed and will be covered in a separate course.
In this course you will learn how to make predictions based on a Romanian method using playing cards. When reading for others the most common question asked to me is “how do they feel about me?” and with this lesson you can learn how to see what others are feeling about you or how one person feels about another person. This reading style can be used for many things including how you did on a job interview or whether you will buy a new house. The possibilities are endless. The relationship analysis reading examines both sides of a relationship and both people’s feelings and then the potential future outcome. This style of reading allows for a different type of accuracy than tarot cards. For many people tarot cards can be confusing based on the variety of decks and meaning books that come with them. It can be difficult for beginners to grasp. This style is usually quite easy for beginners to learn because you can mark up your playing cards and make notes on them while you are learning because they usually cost very little to buy.
It is important to know that there is no wrong way to do this. This course is just bones for you to build on. The truth of it is that you can create your own layouts and your own goals when reading. As long as you focus on what you are supposed to be drawing then the reading should be accurate.
Tip number one: Don’t let anyone else read with your cards
Tip number two: Pull your signifiers out before you shuffle
Tip number three: Focus on the layout of the reading while you shuffle as well as the people involved in the reading.
Tip number four: Focus Focus Focus! I cannot stress that enough. Accuracy in readings is related to what is going on in your mind. If you are asking if you and your boyfriend are going to work out then you should not be thinking about whether your mother will like her birthday present because you will accidentally read that situation instead.
Tip number five: The future isn’t set in stone. This method teaches you how to read the current path. If the subject makes different decisions based on what they see in a reading then the future changes.
A recommended companion book for this course is Fortune Telling with Playing Cards by Jonathan Dee, the book gives many details regarding card histories and where things originate from. I designed this course to be a straight forward approach for the practical application of playing card reading, but the book was very helpful in 2004 when I started reading this method.